Saturday, May 26, 2012

Arts Retreat

Last weekend, I went on a retreat with my church's Arts Ministry team.  I was honored to be able to spend time with some of our church's most talented artists.  I didn't know anyone...and noone knew me.. so it was definitely awkward at first... but they were such great people and it was wonderful spending time with each of them!

I loved that as soon as we got there, we dove right into the Word... and spent a lot of the time during the weekend, reflecting on God's truth and journaling.. It was truly a retreat for me to not cook, clean, change diapers, discipline, etc.. I was the only married one (other than the host) so I felt extremely old.. but they accepted me anyway. ;)

We stayed at a stunning cabin which was designed/built by an architect who attends our church.  Him and his wife so generously allow people to stay at their cabin at no cost!!  I fell in love with the place. Love at first sight.  Here are the photos. ;)

The view from the front and the back of the cabin.

The living/dining room and study room.

Two of the many bedrooms.

Love the rustic feel of this place..

After this weekend, I feel like I learned more about our church, the leadership at our church, the Arts ministry..but more importantly, I learned that God values Art.. He does so much through it.. empowers, speaks Truth, touches, heals... God is awakening my passion for the Arts and I'm excited to see how He wants to use me in this ministry!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We recently went to the tidepools at a nearby beach. It was lowtide and perfect weather.. so I thought, now is the chance! And it was so much fun! When we first got there, there were only a few people at the beach... The girls and I walked amongst the rocks and saw many crabs, sea anemones and fish!  I was enamored by the formation of the rocks and tidepools... and just the beauty in even the smallest things that God created.  A homeschooling mom once told me that "everything under the sun is schooling," and it's so true.. as long as see it from that perspective and take advantage of it!  

 I was pleasantly surprised by how much Big Sister loved the tide pools!


Homemade sidewalk paint. So easy and so fun!

BEAUTIFUL flowers from my neighbor (from her garden!)

Toddler in heals. I don't know how she does it, but she is really good at it.

Mochi hanging out our new/old living room rug.

I received several beautiful bouquets/pots of flowers.. This one is from my mom... Called "shooting stars".  Love the name.

One of the best moments of Mother's Day weekend was lying down under the sun after a lunch picnic...and watching Bryant playing with the girls at the playground.

Totally random photo taken by Biggest Sister of our bedroom drapes. 

Our toaster finally decided it was done after 7.5 years of usage (it was on our wedding registry!).  So we had to purchase a new one...which is very similar but slightly larger. 

Big Sister having lunch on the tree at our neighborhood park.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Balboa Island & Camping

Balboa Island has an annual garage sale which is a great place to go...because many homes participate and you can usually find great clothes, furniture, etc.. Last year I went by myself to browse, and this year we went as a family.  It's definitely not as easy looking around with three little ones..but it was still nice walking around the island on a beautiful day...

We took a break and sat by the sea..

Biggest Sister bought this pink headband with flowers with her own money...and we also scored on her new pretty sandals which were $2. :)  We bought a few clothing for the girls for $1 each.

Same day, we met with Bryant's men's bible study group and their families at a beautiful campsite.  We didn't stay the night since we don't have all the essential camping equipment, but we enjoyed having dinner and s'mores by the campfire!! 

We are hoping that by this summer (or next) we will be ready to camp overnight with our friends!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Friends

We have met some wonderful families through CBS (Community Bible Study) this past year.  The girls also met and made new friends in their classrooms.  It has been so neat watching their friendship grow.  This past week two of the sisters had birthday celebration (the older one had a gymnastic party) and the younger one celebrated at Disneyland.  They extended an invitation to our girls...and they had a blast!

The girls love gymastic!  Even Littlest Sister got to participate!

Big Sister with the birthday girl.  These girls adore each other. :)