Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week in Review.

Monday: Found big sister reading a book to her baby...again.. ;)

Tuesday: Went to Disney's California Adventure for the first time ever!

Wednesday: Met a friend at our new favorite Japanese restaurant!

Thursday: Spent a peaceful evening at my neighbor's for tea and wonderful conversation.

Friday: Blessed by this beautiful girl for her willingness to visit and watch the girls!
 Bryant and I went to Disneyland for our date and went away for the night!

Saturday Morning: Breakfast date with my friend while Bryant and the girls went to fly kites! 

Saturday Afernoon: Relaxing before heading to our friend's house for dinner.

Sunday: After a fun time of fellowship/bbq at church, we took Mochi to get her nails grinded. 
I think she was glad to finally get those long nails trimmed!!

  1. "All things God works for the good of those who love Him."
    Romans 8:28

All Pinked Out.

Biggest sister and I painted our nails while the others were napping the other day.  She painted her nails PINK (which had PINK glitter), on her PINK chair, at the PINK table, with her PINK skirt, and her PINK shirt, wearing her headband with a PINK bow.

I don't think anyone would ever believe that I was once against pink (part of the reason why I didn't find out the gender with my first.. to avoid PINK everything).. But you know what... after having three girls, I have totally embraced it and now I love PINK with them. :)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Building Up.

This verse really spoke to me today..

"We who are strong out to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.  
Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up." 

Romans 15:1-2

Also, some vintage tablecloths and modern bibs... all for Japan. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fun Girl!

Big sister has her own little bedtime routine.  Every night after we tuck the girls in and say good night, she will come out to "go pee so she will sleep all the way through the night". :) I can almost predict the exact second she comes out to say that.. But also, lately if she has taken a nap during the day she has trouble falling asleep at night..  For example, this evening she came out of her room three times for different reasons (both her sisters are fast asleep and Bryant's at a bible study)... Before sending her back to bed (for the third time), I thought we would have a little fun.. ;)

I love this girl.. She is so much fun.. and I have a feeling she will always be. :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Night Away!

Bryant surprised me with a night away! He had asked his parents to come over to watch the girls and booked a hotel!

At first, when he told me that we were going away for the night (a few days ago), I was a little unsure... just because of the short notice.  But after being away for just one night, I just feel so rejuvenated!  It was a much needed time away with the hubby (sadly the last time we did this was in 2009)! 

After saying good-bye to the in-laws and the girls, Bryant took me to a lovely french restaurant.  We had yummy dinner, desert, tea... and RELAXED because we had no curfew, no babysitter to pay or kids to put down! :)

Best of all... we got to sleep in!!!  Well, I still woke up around 7:30am because my body is just programmed to wake up early...but I was able to STAY in bed and read as long as I wanted.. then we SLOWLY got ready and went out to breakfast at 10am!  

 I really enjoyed just spending time with Bryant...and Bryant alone without being distracted or interrupted every minute... :)  We even stopped by the antique mall on our way home because I needed to my some final purchases for Japan.  I purchased some vintage tablecloths and handkerchiefs... and wished I could ship some other amazing pieces from the past. :)

The girls had so much fun with their Poppa and Nana and asked when they can come over to spend the night again! ;)

Friday, January 20, 2012

What Good?

"What good is it to gain the whole world.. but lose your children's souls?
They are the only ones you can take with you to heaven...."

-Carol Joy Seid

Date Night.

A much needed date night with Bryant at a sweet little corner restaurant close to our home... :) 

Monday, January 16, 2012


Yesterday's message at church was so powerful (we are so blessed that we get to listen to great messages every week)...  The teaching pastor shared one of my favorite verses in the bible:

2 Chronicles 16:9: 
"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 

I want to do the things that are good in the eyes of the Lord... 

Some random things:

Big sister has been waiting patiently for us to get her a booster chair (since she outgrew her toddler carseat).  We finally got her one last night at Target.  The only one on sale... and it's perfect for her. :)  I've never purchased (and never thought I would purchase) a pink or girly carseat... but this one is pink with flowers and it suits her sweet personality so well.  She was so excited last night she could not fall asleep.  We are so excited for her.. she's such a big girl!  3 years old.. and wanting to be 4... yesterday!

After a year and half of living here... our dining room is starting look more like a dining room thanks to this IKEA rug and a craigslist console/buffet table.  It's fun watching our house turn into a home, one small item at a time. :) 

I love her reading/standing position... She is getting so tall... I'm having to buy her new pajamas every few months..

This is what biggest sister is like most of the time.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Vintage Shopping.

I did some vintage shopping this weekend. More for Japan. :) I saw a few things I would like for our home... like these vintage photo frames... but I didn't buy anything for me...  I was on a mission to find something to send to Japan.

One of the things I had left to purchase were some vintage quilts... and I saw some gorgeous quilts.. but I could not believe the price tags on them.. in this one particular antique shop.. the quilts (from the 1930s) were all over $600!!  I was looking for quilts more in the less than $100 price range... But they are truly a piece of art.. and you can tell A LOT of work has gone into making each of them.

I didn't always have an appreciation for quilts...but I really do LOVE them now.. someone somewhere spent a lot of time picking out the fabric, cutting each piece, sewing each piece to make a beautiful masterpiece. :)

I did end up finding some other beautiful quilts for A LOT less... and I'm looking forward to shipping them to Japan!  I really hope that they will find them beautiful and will have a lot of appreciation for them also . :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Since we are feeling much better, I thought it would be fun to take the girls to our nearby farm to see some farm animals.  I am so grateful for this quaint little farm that sits right in the middle of busy OC.  It's close, it's free, it's clean and the animals seem so well taken care of and so happy there.. which makes me happy. :)

The girls LOVED their little "field trip" to the farm.  As soon as we got there, there some volunteers standing who let the girls pet Patches and Freckles..which are two GIGANTIC cows (probably some of the biggest cows I've ever seen).  They also told us that there were 2 day old piglets in the pig pen, and a brand new calf at the farm so we went searching for them right away!

Now, I am not a huge fan of the adult pig... but the 2 day old piglets... I could NOT get enough of!

They were SO adorable I wanted to take one home with us. ;)

There were 12 piglets total.. Blacks ones, brown ones, pink ones, spotted ones... I would say that the majority of the time we were at the farm, biggest sister was standing over the piglets and observed them as they were sleeping on top of each other.. She watched them when as they woke up from their naps and made squealing noises.. and then started feeding on mama pig's milk...She was pretty much mesmerized.  I was too.

One of the volunteers told us that this is the time of year when the animals all have babies... So true.. As we walked around, we saw so many babies!

The calf...

The kid...

The chicks...

And then there were mama sheep that are due any day..

Littlest sister LOVED being there and was running around making animal noises.  Her two big sisters were a little fearful being around the farm animals when they were her age...but NOT her.  She was fearLESS, sticking her hands between the cracks of fences to somehow touch the animals.

We had a lovely time.  The girls want to go back again already. ;)